• 016-5156603



Types of Car Parking Bays

The Car Park comprises three (3) types of car parking bays:-

  • Parcel Owners’ Car Parking Bays which are Accessory Parcels that shall not be sold or parted with possession independently of the main Parcels. These are for the parking of cars of the Parcel Owners and/or their Tenants or Lessees or Occupiers;
  • Season Car Parking Bays which are car parking bays operated by the Management or an appointed car park operator and for which a seasonal fee will be paid by the persons renting the car parking bays from the Management/Car Park operator subject to terms and conditions in force. Rules and Regulations for the Season Car Parking Bays have to be read in conjunction with the Season Car Parking Application Form and as imposed from time to time by the Management or an appointed car park operator; and
  • Visitors’ Car Parking Bays these are for the parking of cars of the Visitors, Guests and Invitees. Applicable car parking charges shall be imposed upon entry subject to terms and conditions in force.
Car Park Operator
  • The Management reserves the right to appoint a car park operator to facilitate in the operation and management of the Car Park.
  • The car park operator will impose a parking charge for casual and seasonal users of the Car Park. There shall be no imposition of the car parking charges by the car park operator on the Owners’ Car Parking Bays which are Accessory parcels save and except the car park service charge as stipulated in the Sale and Purchase Agreements between the Developer and the Owners.
  • The terms and conditions laid down by the car park operator including any charges and penalties shall be applicable to all casual and seasonal parking. Where the terms and conditions of the car park operator contradict the House Rules, then the more stringent terms and conditions shall apply. Where the terms and conditions of the car park operator are silent on an issue, then the House Rules shall prevail; and vice versa.
  • Apart from the car park service charge as stipulated in the Sale and Purchase Agreements for Accessory Parcels, all the prevailing terms and conditions under the House Rules and by the car park operator shall be applicable to the Occupiers of the Accessory Parcels.
Use of Car Parking Bays by Owners, Occupiers and Visitors
  • The Parcel Owner with Accessory Parcel(s) of car parking bay(s) shall not park and shall cause his lawful Tenants or Lessees not to park their cars in any other car parking bays or in any part of the Building other than within the accessory car parking bays of the Owner.
  • In the event that a Parcel is leased or rented out, the entitlement to the use of the Accessory Parcels of car parking bays shall automatically be transferred to the Tenant or Lessee, as the case may be; and the Parcel Owner shall no longer be entitled to use the said car parking bays.
  • In such instance, whenever the Parcel Owner pays a visit to his Tenant or Lessee or the Building, the Parcel Owner shall park at the Visitors’ Car Parking Bays and pay the hourly parking charges accordingly.
  • The Parcel Owner with no Accessory Parcel of a car parking bay shall not park in any car parking bays designated as Accessory Parcels and shall also cause his lawful Tenants or Lessees not to park their cars in such Accessory Parcels. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Owner and/or his Tenants or Lessees may make arrangement to rent car parking bays from the car park operator’s pool of car bays subject to availability based on a “first come, first served” basis. The authorised car stickers and access cards shall only be issued to those successful applicants; and the decision of the Management in this matter will be final. The prescribed charge is subject to appropriate increase from time to time by the Management after serving due notice of thirty (30) days.
  • All Parcel Owners, Occupiers, Visitors, Guests and Invitees shall each ensure that no damage is caused to any of the fittings and fixtures, equipment and structures in the Car Parking Areas; otherwise, the person concerned shall be liable for any damage caused thereto.
  • All Parcel Owners and Occupiers shall not affix any grille or place or build any form of obstruction whatsoever at the entrance exit or driveway to or in the Car Park Areas or any other area in the Building not designated as a Car Park Area and the Management is entitled to remove at the cost of the Owner any such obstruction caused by the Parcel Owner or his Occupiers.
  • All types of heavy commercial vehicles and trucks are prohibited from parking at any of the covered car parking bays in the Building unless approval is given by the Management for purposes of loading and unloading of goods.
Authorised Car Stickers and Access Cards
  • A non-transferable authorised car sticker and access card will be provided for every Accessory Car Bay and/or Rental Car Bay at the prescribed fees by the Management subject to appropriate increase from time to time by the Management. The authorised car sticker is to be displayed prominently in the vehicle and the Occupier shall not allow any unauthorized person to use the authorized car sticker on any other vehicle. The car sticker and access card are not transferable and shall be returned to the Management if the Occupier is no longer occupying or renting a Parcel in the Building or owning a vehicle. If the Occupier has changed his vehicle, the car sticker may be replaced after the payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Every Occupier who wishes to obtain his authorised car stickers and access cards must apply to the Management in the prescribed form and pay the prescribed fees as mentioned above.
  • The authorized car stickers and access cards shall only be issued by the Management or the appointed car park operator, as the case may be, to the Occupier provided that there are no outstanding contributions by the Parcel Owner concerned to the Management Fund Lessee or Tenant of a Parcel will need to submit to the Management a letter of authorization from his landlord together with a copy of his tenancy agreement in the application.
  • The vehicle of any Occupier or Parcel Owner without the authorised access card will be charged the hourly parking charges accordingly.
  • Every Occupier or Parcel Owner must personally use his authorised access card for the ingress/egress of his vehicle into/from the Building. The car park attendant will not be allowed to assist the Occupier or Parcel Owner in by passing this procedure.
  • For security reasons, Occupiers or Parcel Owners are advised not to leave their access cards in their vehicles unattended whilst parking in the Building.
  • Loss of any authorised car sticker/access card must be immediately reported to the Management and a replacement will be issued after the payment of the prescribed fees.
  • Each Parcel Owner is responsible to apply for the authorised car sticker and access card from the Management for his incoming Tenant or Lessee and surrender the old car sticker and/or access card to the Management before a new authorised car sticker and/or access card can be issued to his incoming new Tenant or Lessee or Occupier at the prescribed fees in accordance with provision 6.4(a) herein.
Issuance of replacement authorised car stickers and access cards:-

Upon the report of the loss, theft or damage of any authorised car sticker/access card, the Occupier/ParcelOwner concerned may apply for replacementauthorised car sticker/ access card which may be issued after the payment of a prescribed fee subject to availability and at the Management’s sole discretion having regard to the frequency of any loss, theft or damage of such authorised car sticker/access card by the Occupier/ Parcel Owner and further provided the Occupier/ Parcel Owner is not in default of any provision hereunder nor are there any outstanding contributions by the Parcel Owner concerned to the Management Fund;

If there are any outstanding arrears (whether or not demanded) due and payable hereunder to the Management by the Occupier/ Parcel Owner or if, in the opinion of the Management, the Occupier/Parcel Owner misuses any authorised car sticker/access card or if the Occupier/ Parcel Owner fails to comply with any rules governing the use of any authorised car sticker/access card or any part of the House Rules, the Management shall be entitled to withhold the issuance of any replacement authorised car sticker/access card or the new issuance of the same upon renewal.

Parking of Unrecorded Car

Every Occupier/ Parcel Owner shall immediately notify and seek permission of the Management if he/she is parking an unrecorded vehicle in his parking bay. The Occupier/ Parcel Owner shall state the reason for the parking of the unrecorded car in the bay assigned to the registered car and the duration of the parking.

Visitors’ Parking Bays

Guests/Visitors shall park their vehicles only at the designated Visitors’ car parking bays. Occupiers shall ensure that their Guests/Visitors do not park at other parking bays. The Visitor’s car parking bays shall not be used by the Parcel Owner or his tenant, lessee, licensee and/or the Occupier at any time whatsoever.

Parking Overnight of Visitor’s Vehicle

Occupiers or Parcel Owners whose guests need to park their vehicles overnight or for limited periods may be allowed upon application to the Management. Approval will be given subject to availability of visitor parking space and the payment of a prescribed overnight charge that is set by the Management or the car park operator, as the case may be, from time to time.

Save and except for the above provision, no visitor shall park his vehicle overnight in the building.

Otherwise, the said vehicle will be wheel clamped subject to a release charge of RM100.00 and/or a holding charge of RM100.00 per night (if it is left in the Building for more than one night).

Prohibited Parking Areas

The prohibited parking areas comprise all the areas in the Building and its compound save and except for the designated car parking bays.

Wheel Clamping, Towing & Charges

Any unauthorised vehicle found parking within the Building and its compound or any authorised vehicle found parking outside the proper designated car parking bay or at the parking bay of other Parcel Owner/Tenant/ Lessee shall be towed away or wheel clamped at the vehicle owner’s cost without prior notice. The wheel clamp will only be removed after the payment to the Management of a charge of RM100.00 and/or the towing cost and/or the holding charge of RM100.00 per day (if it is left in the Building for more than a day). These charges shall be deemed as contributions to the Management Fund. The Management shall not be liable for any damage caused to such defaulting vehicle in the course of wheel clamping and/or towing.

Glueing of Warning Notice

Not withstanding the above provision, any unauthorised vehicle found parking within the Building and its compound or any authorized vehicle found parking outside the proper designated car parking bay or at the parking bay of other Parcel Owner may be glued with a warning notice on the windscreen of the defaulting vehicle. The Management shall not be liable for any damage caused to such defaulting vehicle.

Vehicular Obstruction

very Occupier/ Parcel Owner shall ensure that his vehicle is properly parked within his designated parking bay without causing any obstruction or interference with the right of ingress/egress of his neighbours’ vehicles into/from their adjacent car bays or to the common area or adjacent driveway. The Management reserves the right to impose a non-compliance charge of RM 100.00 subject to a maximum ofRM500.00 for each breach of this provision.

No Washing of Cars

Washing of vehicles are not allowed in the Car Park or in any other part of the Building save and except for such area that may be designated by the Management.

No Car Repairs

Car repairs are not allowed in the car park or in any other part of the Building and its compound.

Damage, Theft or Loss of Vehicle in the Building

Every vehicle shall be parked at the vehicle owner’s own risk in the Building and its compound; and the Management shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for any damage, theft or loss or other misdemeanour occasioned or to be occasioned to the vehicle (including the contents therein) or any losses suffered be it by way of damage, theft or any other ways whatsoever by any Parcel Owner or any Occupier or any vehicle owner, his passengers, servants, agents and/or licensees howsoever arising as a result of or in any way relating to his use of the Car Park Areas.

Additional Structure or Obstruction Whatsoever

No additional construction or structure of any form shall be erected on any car parking bay in the Building without the Management’s written approval.

Every Parcel Owner/Occupier shall not affix any grille or place or build any form of obstruction whatsoever at the entrance exit or driveway to or in the Car Park Areas or any other area whether or not designated as a Car Park Area and the Management is entitled to remove at the cost of the Parcel Owner/Occupier any such obstruction caused by the Parcel Owner/Occupier.

Cleanliness of Parking Bays

Every Occupier/ Parcel Owner shall ensure that he does not at all times leave any form of equipment, vehicle spare parts/components, discarded material, rubbish and litter in the Car Park. The Management reserves the right to remove and dispose such items without any notice to the assignee of the car parking bay and any cost incurred in the removal and disposal of such items will be charged to the car park assignee.

Speed Limit

All vehicles within the Building must be driven at a speed not exceeding fifteen (15) km/hour and the manner of driving shall always be cautious and courteous.

Car Horn

Hooting or use of the car horn is not allowed in the Building except in emergency situation.

Car Alarms

All car alarms shall be well maintained such that there will be not be any false alarm causing nuisance/annoyance to other Occupiers. If the false alarms become a frequent nuisance, the Management shall be entitled to deactivate the access card of the Occupier concerned and bar the vehicle from entering the Building until proof is given to show that the faulty alarm system of the vehicle has been rectified.

Derelict Cars

Every Occupier/ Parcel Owner is responsible to maintain the aesthetic value of the Building by ensuring that no derelict car or abandoned car is parked at his designated car bay. Otherwise, such car, which is an eyesore affecting the aesthetic value of the Building, will be towed away from the Building at the car owner’s cost after the service of a seven (7) days’ notice by the Management.

  • Motorcycles shall be parked at the designated motorcycle parking bays.
  • No motorcycle shall be left or parked in any other areas in the Building other than the designated motorcycle parking bays.
  • Any motorcycle found parking outside the designated motorcycle parking bay shall be towed away or clamped at the vehicle owner’s cost without prior notice. The clamp will only be removed after the payment to the Management of a charge of RM100.00 and/or the towing cost and/or the holding charge of RM 100.00 per day (if it is left in the Building for more than a day). These charges shall be deemed as contributions to the Management Fund. The Management shall not be liable for any damage caused to such defaulting vehicle in the course of wheel clamping and/or towing.
Parking System
The Occupiers/ Parcel Owners shall accept and submit to the decision and authority of the Management in matters concerning:
  • The flow of traffic within the parking areas and the ingress and egress points;
  • The manner of parking their vehicles

No vehicle shall be placed so as to obstruct the free flow of traffic in the Car Park

Interference with Management Duties

There shall be no interference with the Management’s discharge of duties nor shall instructions be issued to the Management pertaining to the Car Parking System except that Parcel Owner/Occupier may lodge any legitimate complaint thereof to the Management.

Permissible Traffic Height and Load in the Car Park Area

Parcel Owners and Occupiers shall ensure that the maximum height of their vehicles does not exceed 2.0

metres and the weights of their vehicles do not exceed 2.0 tons per vehicle.

Failure to Comply

The Management reserves the rights to impose a maximum non-compliance charge of RM 1000.00, for each occurrence of failure to comply with any of the aforesaid rule save and except for the prescribed charges hereto.

Facilities & Amenities

  • Covered car park
  • Covered Linkways
  • Landscaped Garden
  • Lift lobby
  • 24 hours security

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